The story of the Magi is an icon of salvation history. Each of the figures in the story encapsulates a major figure in salvation history.
First, the Magi are the best of what it means to be a gentile. They were searching for God using the means available to them, science and natural religion, and their honest search leads them to Jerusalem. There they seek the assistance of the Jewish leaders and by accepting revelation, the Word of God, they find Mary and Jesus in Bethlehem. In Bethlehem they worship Christ.
Second, Herod is the worst of what it means to be a gentile. He bought his kingship and when he hears about the messiah he is afraid and tries to kill Jesus.
Third, the people of Jerusalem are the lukewarm and indifferent. When they hear about the messiah they do nothing. They are afraid and so they stay at home and continued along with the status quo.
Fourth, the Scribes and Chief Priests are stubborn Israel. They hear about the birth of the messiah, they know where he is, they have studied God’s law and prophets, but they do not go to find him. They are satisfied with keeping God at a distance.
Fifth, Mary is the best of Israel. She is the new Israel, the perfect bride of God. She faithfully receives the messiah and presents Him to the world.
If we are honest with ourselves we will probably recognize times and aspects of our lives that we are all five of these people. There are times that we are genuinely searching for God and we use the gifts that He has given us in order to find Him. There are also times, however, when we would rather not find Him because we know that he will ask us to make changes in our life that we are unwilling to make. Maybe we ignore certain teachings of the Church because they are too difficult for us or maybe we think we know better than the Church. There are also times, of course, when our faith shines through and we show Christ to others with our words and actions. This is the goal - to be like Mary in every aspect of our life. To be receptive to God’s will and to share Christ with others.